Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Website Analysis Web Analytics Tools - 910 Words

Web Analytics tools like Google Analytics provide a myriad of metrics that users can benefit from in order to enhance their business capabilities. These tools enable users to measure a broad range of web data from visitors, bounce rates, page views, conversion rates to dashboards, custom reports, and goals. It can be sometimes confusing to make sense from all the web data obtained. Some users utilize basic features of the web analytics tools and some others utilize complex features to crunch the data based on the specific business requirements. Sometimes users spend superabundant time to analyze complex data that really has not value. In order to make data crunching simpler and effective, Avinash Kaushik, the author of the best-selling†¦show more content†¦That is the ‘what’ part of the analysis. It enables to measure Visits, Visitors, Time on Site, Bounce Rate, and so forth. As Avinash Kaushik mentioned in his blog, â€Å"The objective is to get really smart a bout clickstream analysis and get to really truly inferring the intent of our site visitors.† The second component of the Trinity mindset is Outcome Analysis which is the ‘so what’ element of the analysis. It is one of the most important things to understand the true goal of the website. Essentially, a website attempts to serve 3 types of outcomes: †¢ Increase revenue †¢ Reduce cost †¢ Improve customer satisfaction/loyalty All the analysis and resource for the website focused on these three elements. Everything that users do on the website needs to deliver against these outcomes regardless of what kind of website users have. As Avinash Kaushik stated in his book, instead of paying attention to how many visits a website had, users should ask themselves about the Conversion Rate and Revenue Trends metrics if they do e-commerce. Similarly, the one should look at Depth of Visit metric if they are a content site. In fact, it plays a great role to know that which metric should be used to analyze. The last component of the Trinity mindset is Experience which stands for the ‘why’ element. This element is very critical to understand the voice of the customer, why they are doing the things they do. With the help of surveys, remote usability

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