Friday, December 27, 2019

Presentation of Conflict in Hard Times - 1343 Words

Discuss the presentation of confict in the texts that you have studied In â€Å"Hard Times† by Charles Dickens, conflict is presented as the outcome of industrialisation, material prosperity and a strict utilitarian way of life. In the 1850’s when the novel was written in instalments in ‘Household Words’, Victorian England was in the age of reform, which was creating new tensions between social classes, and creating a new type of ‘master’ represented by characters such as Mr. Gradgrind and more particularly Mr. Bounderby. Conflict is shown between nature and the increasing rise of industrialisation. In Chapter 3 ‘The Key Note’ Dickens describes the setting of industrial Coketown, which is partially based upon 19th century Preston, which†¦show more content†¦Bounderby who is described as ‘the Bully of Humility’. Stephen gives his impassioned speech ‘Look how this ha’ growen an’ growen, sir, bigger an’ bigger, broader an’broader, harder an’ harder..’The asyndetic list impacts the audience as the conflict and tension builds up. Stephens use of plosives ‘broader’ and the harsh consonants ‘harder’ emote his anguish against the unjust society in which he and his fellow working class are suffering in. The commanding verb ‘Look’ is not only Stephen’s but also Dickens plea for understanding between the upper and working class society in his own society. Dickens believed in ‘ mutual feeling’ and understanding between workers and their leaders to prevent the conflict between the two social classes. Louisa’s inner conflict is shown to be a cause of Mr. Gradgrind’s strict Utilitarian upbringing. Dickens portrays Louisa of having the gift of ‘wondering’ as a child as she lets her imagination create stories as she gazes into the fire. The fire imagery is used to symbolise the warmth of the creative spirit, in contrast to the cold and hard state of facts. However her father, Mr. Gradgrind who retorts ‘Louisa, Never wonder’, the adverb ‘never’, implies that she is to be completely restricted of all things fanciful and imaginative. This causes Louisa’s conflict as it is in herShow MoreRelatedGroup Reflection717 Words   |  3 Pagesabout, how it impacts the world, our feelings about it as a group and the importance of addressing it. For completion of the project we were required to create a presentation of our choice on key points to present to the class. As college students, we run into many challenges associated with group work. We face challenges such as time, effort, communication and leadership skills. We also have various attitudes and different outlooks when it comes to certain topics. The process of this project wasRead MoreThe Plan For The Group Adventure1053 Words   |  5 Pageswhich is 0700 am. 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Description The aim of our summative group presentation was to prepare a poster which covered the topic of barriers and facilitators to health and social care and how this can be linked back to interprofessional working. There were 5 of us in theRead More Organizational Development Essay1306 Words   |  6 Pagesthey faced the situation that brought them difficulties. Moreover, using of Scenario Thinking could open up to incredible possibilities and challenge long-term internal belief of an organization (Mietzner Reger, 2005). Team Intervention Model Presentation and Facilitation (TIMPF) In addition, I experienced how to work in team by pretending that all members of the team were consultants that had to think which interventions should be provided to solve a problem of a case study. This was very difficultRead MoreMy Writing And Oral Communication1551 Words   |  7 Pagesmarketing and talk to potential investors. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Karl Marx s Theory Of Crime And Deviance - 1696 Words

Karl Marx was a sociologist in the eighteenth century and was one of the first to develop and explain a conflict perspective on how society functions, he was a liberal reformist who had more radical views about the origins of crime and deviance. He became popular in the US and UK during the 1970’s. Like many radical criminologists, he developed the perspective of the conflict theory that explained how some social interactions result in to conflict and how individuals engage in conflict daily to gain more social wealth and resources. As some groups have greater power than others they possess greater sources compared to other groups. These groups may also more powers such as social, political and economic power. This is how conflict between the groups develops as they are in constant battle of domination amongst each other. He also explained how capitalism is a mode of production that creates class, conflict and crime (Chambliss, 1975) The groups that have political power are able to show their power by creating dominant norms, values or culture. They have the power to decide what is seen to be as criminal acts and what is breaking the law in order to protect themselves and their interests and also control activities carried out by other groups. For example, those who are white, male, and wealthy and possess political power are dominants within society and those who are of the minority group and are not wealthy are named as the subordinate group. These groups are usually seenShow MoreRelatedCrime And Deviance Essay1649 Words   |  7 PagesCrime can be defined as ‘An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2017). It’s the violation of a written law that is set by society and is known as ‘committing a crime’. Deviance is defined as ‘the fact or state of diverging from usual accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behaviour’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017). To be deviant would be to perform an act that strays from the normal behaviours, or â€Å"norms† of any given society. ThereRead MoreA Critical Comparison Of Marxist Theory And Merton’S Strain1530 Words   |  7 Pages A Critical Comparison of Marxist Theory and Merton’s Strain Theory of Deviance. Introduction: This particular work will consist of a critical theoretical review and a comparative analysis on two criminological theories. For the comparison I have chosen Marx’s theory of crime and Merton’s strain theory of deviance. My critical comparison analysis will emphasise the central concepts and arguments within both theories and how each theory explains crime. The analysis will then explore modern dayRead MoreConflict and Labeling Theory Essay1337 Words   |  6 PagesConflict and Labeling Theory Labeling theory is concerned less with that causes the onset of an initial delinquent act and more with the effect that official handling by police, courts, and correctional agencies has on the future of youths who fall into the court system. Labeling theory states that youths violate the law for a number of reasons; these reasons are poor family relationships, neighborhood conflict, peer pressure, psychological and biological abnormality and delinquent learning experiencesRead MoreSociological Reflection1258 Words   |  6 Pagesof sociology. It displays a plethora of sub topics such as: crime, deviance, bureaucracy, culture, criminality, socialization, economy, politics, religion, education, social class and many more. Throughout this fall semester this sociology course has taught me things that I could never imagine. To be more specific there were actually ten topics that I learned in this course that was very important to me. Those topics were: crime, deviance, bureaucracy, na ture of science, philosophy, religion, commonRead MoreSociology Is The Study Of Individuals In Groups In A Systematic Way1611 Words   |  7 Pagesqualitative based research on the struggle to gain a firm grip on how society works. As a result, there are different sociological perspectives that hold valued theories in society. In this essay three perspectives will be assessed. How society operates in the view of these perspectives. Also, scrutinizing theories on the subject ‘crime and deviance’ aiming to outline how each perspective grasps the matter. Before one can observe society, one needs to take into account the ways in which it can be viewedRead MoreA Marxist Understanding Of Society1719 Words   |  7 Pagesaccount of a Marxist understanding of society and what this understanding contributed to criminological theory. To truly grasp a Marxist understanding of society the essay will firstly look at the development of Marx’s work, then draw conclusions on his main era that surrounded crime and law, known as the Historical Materialism era. The essay will then look at how these conclusions relate to crime. Five different theorists work, who use Marxist ideology as their main school of thought, will then beRead MoreWhat Deviance Is Today s Society Essay1081 Words   |  5 PagesWhat defines deviance in today’s society? Is it the abnormal things that people don’t usually do or is it just criminal behavior? Deviance has brought up many questions on what could be defined as it. Deviance is usually shaped by so ciety. It can be defined as the violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law (OpenStax 142). Sociologist want to see why deviance has so many different areas and how it effects a group in a society. For exampleRead MoreMilton Cooley And George Herbert Mead s Concept Of The Social Self870 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Herbert Mead, had similar theories of one’s self. Cooley and Mead both believed that people develop their self-image with social interactions with other people. Cooley’s theory, known as the â€Å"looking glass self†, states that the way one views themselves comes from a combination of personality judgement and how we think others perceive us. Cooley believed that how we perceive ourselves comes from how we imagine others see us, not from who we really are. Mead s concept of the social self is similarRead MoreConflict Theory : Conflict Criminology, And Sociology799 Words   |  4 PagesConf lict Criminology and Sociology Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German philosopher and revolutionary socialist. His works, such as the Communist Manifesto, laid the foundation for what is known as conflict theory. According to this theory, it is viewed that criminal behavior is the result of interpersonal and human conflict (Siegel, 2015). In the book, Using Conflict Theory, the authors, Otomar Wehr (2002), describe conflict as â€Å"any behavior that helps the party to achieve its goal that is incompatibleRead MoreSocial Control and Symbolic Interactionism in Literature Essay964 Words   |  4 Pageswhich social order is achieved has been the subject of many theories presented by respectable sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, Thomas Hobbes, George Herbert Mead, and Karl Marx. Among the most prominent of these theories are Hobbes’ â€Å"Social Control† theory and Meads’ â€Å"Symbolic Interactionism† theory. Through these two theories, it is possible to gain a better understanding of how social order can be achieved. The social control theory of Thomas Hobbes has five basic premises to it. The first

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis of the Ethical dilemma in ICT

Questions: 1. What's going on? 2. What are the facts? 3. What are the issues? 4. Who is affected? 5. What are the ethical issues and their implications? 6. What could have been done about it? 7. What are the options? 8. Which option is the best and why? Answers: 1. John J. Riley center for science, technology and values of University of Notre Dames released an article on 14th December 2016 on predicting criminality ("Predicting Criminality", 2017). A team of researchers from McMaster University Canada and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China came up with the idea of computer which on the basis of facial features and expression could measure the chances of committing Crime. The machine would analyse the features from the photos of the suspect and predicted the chances on its basis (Glenn, Focquaert Raine, 2015). These pictures can be asserted or taken up from the cameras on streets too. Modern machines will work with help learning algorithms. 2. Advent of science and technology is incorporating Information system in every of it developing machines making the world to rely more and more on machines. These days machines are becoming more of a companion than just a help. The researchers have been on the study to prove that facial expressions are not the right model to detect the criminality or offensive behaviour of a person. Surprisingly, during this the researches rather ended up with a conclusion that facial features may define or detect a persons chance of being criminal ("Predicting Criminality", 2017). Hence the team proceeded further with the notion of developing programs which can read facial features and expression of a photo or person itself. The main discriminating features of criminals and non criminals were attributed as eye corners, philtrum and the mouth area. 3. Every new innovation is always questioned. The issues that this innovation is facing are: Ethical issues Machine could be fed up with predefined data about a person. Loss of dignity if caught being non-guilty. Family of the person held may suffer unnecessarily. Law enforcing body may be held irresponsible. Unethical issues Algorithms and programs could be hacked and misused. No proper code of conduct designed for this technology. Technology issue or inappropriate environment for detection. 4. Bringing this into effect would become a threat for every human being. People who have features that can be similar to a criminal feature may not be right to be treated as criminal. Every human has been designed and have attributes and physical appearance of their own. Judging one by their appearance is quite questionable. The family and related members of the innocent person who has been convicted have to suffer. Not only citizens but also law enforcing team may also suffer with such kind of technology (Tayebi et al., 2014). They may lose the actual criminal and waste much time on someone innocent. A wrong detection may lead to freedom of criminal who may exploit this opportunity to do some greater mischief. 5. It has been well said that one cannot judge a book by its cover. It may be unfortunate for person to look alike a criminal and then be held behind because the wrong analysis done by the machine. Software and algorithms for detection could be altered or hacked. With cameras on every street detecting each face it may be offensive on the persons side to convict someone on streets (Wang, Deng Zhou, 2014). The person held may be innocent but due to that he may lose his dignity in the society. People around may question him of the crime which he knew nothing about. In addition, if someone is held around and is punished which is inhumane. There are far more dangerous outcomes then thought of. Criminals can cheat algorithms by posing being someone who he is not. 6. The area of such concern requires human expertise. One cannot depend on such programming which can be hacked or may be altered on requirement basis. This research should be done with more detailed analysis devising more apt programming for facial recognition (Milliet, Delmont, Margot, 2014). Researches need to take this more seriously. The people responsible can use such technologies but working along with certain proceedings which may prove the suspects guilt completely. It can be authorized to be used under certain circumstances only. 7. The first option being the most appropriate is not using any such technology in the area where possibilities of misconception are too high. Some cases of police using such technologies were heard of which was later dropped off because of its poor efficiency. Government policies can be formed which would allow usage of such technologies but only under certain guidance of ethical code (Glenn Raine, 2014). Modification of algorithm can be done to make the system detection more accurate. 8. Since, the world is heading towards a more digitized era with technologies in every aspect of life this is a good approach but with weaker technicalities. Hence improving the entire system with far more accuracy and ability would be the best option considered (Tayebi et al., 2014). This would at some level or other will help the law enforcing bodies. Improving and working on its flaws will assure criminals get caught and unfortunate innocent may be saved. References Al-Saggaf, Y., Burmeister, O. K. (2012). Improving skill development: an exploratory study comparing a philosophical and an applied ethical analysis technique.Computer Science Education,22(3), 237-255 Glenn, A. L., Raine, A. (2014). Neurocriminology: implications for the punishment, prediction and prevention of criminal behaviour.Nature Reviews Neuroscience,15(1), 54-63. Glenn, A. L., Focquaert, F., Raine, A. (2015). Prediction of antisocial behavior. InHandbook of Neuroethics(pp. 1689-1701). Springer Netherlands. Matheson, S. (2016). DNA Phenotyping: Snapshot of a Criminal.Cell,166(5), 1061-1064. Milliet, Q., Delmont, O., Margot, P. (2014). A forensic science perspective on the role of images in crime investigation and reconstruction.Science Justice,54(6), 470-480. Pollock, J. M. (2014).Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice. Nelson Education. Predicting Criminality. (2017). Reilly Top 10. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from Tayebi, M. A., Ester, M., Glsser, U., Brantingham, P. L. (2014, August). CrimeTracer: activity space based crime location prediction. InAdvances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on(pp. 472-480). IEEE. Wang, G. H., Deng, J. C., Zhou, D. B. (2014). Face Detection Technology Research Based on AdaBoost Algorithm and Haar Features. InUnifying Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering(pp. 1223-1231). Springer New York.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Divine Comedy

Durante degli Alighieri, shortened as Dante, was an Italian poet born in the spring of 1265 in Florence. Of his works, The Divine Comedy is the greatest literary statement in the medieval periods of the Europeans. It marks the foundation of the Italian language. The comedy explores the greatest unreciprocated, distant love story between Dante – the author, and Beatrice. Dante is almost nine years when he first meets Beatrice, who is a few months younger.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Divine Comedy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Dressed in crimson attire, she completely obsesses him. For nine years, he remains captivated by her from a distance. It is not until 1283, when she speaks to him as they pass each other on the way. After marrying Beatrice and enjoying three years together, sorrow strikes him. His 24-year-old wife dies! Though short, the time they spend together, significantly influences the rest of his life. Though dead and forgotten, her principal inspirations speak volumes of Dante’s works. Firstly, after Dante meets Beatrice for the first time, her dressing forces him to fall in love with her in the first sight, mistaking her for an angel with divine and noble characteristics. Though they hardly speak, it is from this first encounter that makes him write the poem Behold, A Deity Stronger Than I; Who Is Coming, Shall Rule Over Me. One afternoon, they meet along the Florentine streets, when Beatrice greets him. She says, â€Å"Love prompted me, that love that makes me talk†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lawall 1841). This greeting is enough to make him retreat to his room where he falls asleep, only to experience a dream that becomes the subject of one of his greatest romantic poems-The New Life. Next, he frequently tours parts of Florence, his home city, looking for just a glimpse of Beatrice. His words, â€Å"You with your words have so disposed my heart, into longing for this journey†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lawall 1842) induces nervousness. These shows how much influence Beatrice words have on his decisions. They are so powerful, that he has to pay her visits. His efforts to privatize his thoughts about Beatrice force him to compose poetry to a woman, to use her as a â€Å"screen for the truth.† Her influence is far from a straightforward inspiration, Dante makes her a character in his greatest works. The book, The New Life, is almost full of poems of his praises to her. The Divine Comedy book shows how much she has influenced his spiritual life. She is the one who directs him to heaven For instance, â€Å"You are my guide, my governor, my master† (Lawall 1842). Owing to the fact that their relationship has no contact, their personal terms conversations is just Dante’s imaginations. The Beatrice on study is his mind’s creations. He calls her â€Å"The glorious lady of my mind.†Advertising Looking for essay on literatu re languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, truth and beauty seem inseparable. Through an animation, Beatrice goes to the purgatory for Dante where he greets her. His journey from the purgatory, through inferno to paradise parallels a change of his relationship to Beatrice. In his journey with Virgil through the inferno, he depicts Beatrice as his only reassurance. She says, â€Å"When I had risen from flesh to spirit and beauty and virtue and increased in me I was less dear to him and less welcome and he bent his steps in a way not true†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lawall 1843). Beatrice here asserts the fact that she is different from all the women Dante has met and for him to love any other, is unholy. In conclusion, the author influences men’s imaginations, touching their hearts so that they can turn to righteousness. To the author, this truth reveals the divine wisdom. Being a poet with divine commission, he wants t o familiarise men with this revelation. From his experience of a man on earth, this design is practicable. Though Dante cannot be explained beyond this earthly plain, from the love that cropped from the sight of a beautiful girl, he has produced great works of poetry earning him the title â€Å"Father of Italian Literature.† As a lesson, the readers should be worthy of these heavenly gifts when they bestow their hearts on those they love. Works Cited Lawall, Sarah. (Ed.) â€Å"The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Vol. A: Beginnings to A.D. 100, 2nd Edition, 2003. This essay on The Divine Comedy was written and submitted by user Arthur Hammond to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hurston, Zora How It Feels To Be Colored Me My Bag Essays

Hurston, Zora How It Feels to Be Colored Me My Bag English Lit./Comp. Perhaps one of the most profound pieces of African American short story literature is Zora Hurstons' How It Feels to Be Colored Me. In the conclusion of her short story, Hurston depicts her own life experiences through the personification of a brown bag and its contents. To detail my life through mere contents of a paper bag is a difficult task, however, I am a simple man among many, trying not to drown in an ocean of complexity more commonly known as society. My bag is comprised of many objects, some which I have yet to use and others that have already expired. The first content inside my bag is a pack of wet matches that can no longer be used to light the path I must travel to reach my destiny. The next object inside my bag is a two-way radio that has been partially damaged, only able to receive information not transmit it. The radio develops my keen listening skills but it does not allow me to call for help or be heard in any way. The third item found within my bag is an inflatable life vest which could be used to save my life, except that large holes have worn through its exhausted material. The next item contained within my bag is a small bible that I once read daily. Now the pages within the bible are stained with water of incertitude and the smeared ink that was once writing is now a collection of modern art masterpieces upon the blessed canvas from which previously read. The unexpired contents of my brown bag include a golden needle with silver thread, a collection of postal stamps and a small lighter. I am a strong believer in mankind's ability to believe in himself, but he must utilize the contents inside his own bag to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles of life. As for the remaining contents of my bag, I can only hypothesize how they may be used to help me stay afloat in this large ocean of life. Through a careful examination of my life the realization of simplicity is evident. I strive to be myself, for as myself I believe that individuality is the strongest light, the quickest way to be heard and the only method of staying afloat in today's society. Perhaps the "Great Stuffer of Bags" stuffed all of the bags a little too similar to each other.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Spheres Where Your English Literature and Creative Writing Degree Will Come Handy

Spheres Where Your English Literature and Creative Writing Degree Will Come Handy Spheres Where Your English Literature and Creative Writing Degree Will Come Handy In thÐ µ PrÃ'â€"nÃ' Ã µtÐ ¾n RÐ µvÃ'â€"Ð µwÃ'• GuÃ'â€"dÐ µ tÐ ¾ CÐ ¾llÐ µgÐ µ Majors (2008), English LÃ'â€"tÐ µrÐ °turÐ µ and creative writing degree wÐ °Ã'• ranked among thÐ µ tÐ ¾Ã'€ tÐ µn college mÐ °jÐ ¾rÃ'• Ã'â€"n thÐ µ US. Does a course meant Ð ¾nlÃ'Æ' for literature Ð µnthuÃ'•Ã'â€"Ð °Ã'•tÃ'•? HÐ ¾w dÐ ¾Ã µÃ'• grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"ng wÃ'â€"th Ð °n EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h mÐ °jÐ ¾r degree can help you Ã'â€"n opening up more employment opportunities Ð °nd Ã'€rÐ ¾fÐ µÃ'•Ã'•Ã'â€"Ð ¾nÐ °l Ð °dvÐ °nÃ' Ã µmÐ µnt? Being a major at English, Ã'â€"nvÐ ¾lvÐ µÃ'• studying English Ð °nd lÃ'â€"tÐ µrÐ °rÃ'Æ' wÐ ¾rkÃ'• frÐ ¾m varied Ã'€Ð µrÃ'•Ã'€Ð µÃ' tÃ'â€"vÐ µÃ'•. The literary Ð °nÐ °lÃ'Æ'Ã'•Ã'â€"Ã'• dÐ µvÐ µlÐ ¾Ã'€Ã'• a Ã'•tudÐ µntÃ'• comprehension, rÐ µÃ °Ã'•Ð ¾nÃ'â€"ng, and critical thinking. Interpreting any lÃ'â€"tÐ µrÐ °rÃ'Æ' work requires Ã' Ã °rÐ µful understanding Ð ¾f the tÐ µxt and thÐ µ ability to   communicate Ã'â€"tÃ'• historical, cultural, Ð °nd Ã'•Ð ¾Ã' Ã'â€"Ð µtÐ °l significance effectively. Such a feature should be peculiar to all people to be able to express their thoughts. Graduating in English with a creative writing degree course requÃ'â€"rÐ µÃ'• Ð °t lÐ µÃ °Ã'•t 120 Ã' rÐ µdÃ'â€"t hours wÐ ¾rth of vÐ °rÃ'â€"Ð ¾uÃ'• Ã' Ã ¾urÃ'•Ð µÃ'• Ã'•uÃ' h Ð °Ã'• lÃ'â€"tÐ µrÐ °rÃ'Æ' hÃ'â€"Ã'•tÐ ¾rÃ'Æ' Ð °nd thÐ µÃ ¾rÃ'Æ', language dÐ µvÐ µlÐ ¾Ã'€mÐ µnt, EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h Ã' Ã ¾mÃ'€Ð ¾Ã'•Ã'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n, speech Ã'•tudÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'•, Ã' rÐ µÃ °tÃ'â€"vÐ µ Ð °Ã'• well as buÃ'•Ã'â€"nÐ µÃ'•Ã'• wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng. FÐ ¾r mÐ °nÃ'Æ' Ã'•tudÐ µntÃ'•, choosing a college major mÐ µÃ °nÃ'• Ã' hÐ ¾Ã ¾Ã'•Ã'â€"ng Ð ¾nÐ µ that will guarantee high-paying jobs Ã'â€"mmÐ µdÃ'â€"Ð °tÐ µlÃ'Æ' Ð °ftÐ µr grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n. The English language and literature dÐ µgrÐ µÃ µ Ã'€rÐ ¾vÃ'â€"dÐ µs avenues tÐ ¾ mÐ ¾rÐ µ possibilities Ã'â€"n the workplace. EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h majors Ð °rÐ µ Ð °blÐ µ tÐ ¾ thrÃ'â€"vÐ µ in almost Ð °nÃ'Æ' fÃ'â€"Ð µld. MÐ °Ã'•Ã'• Media Being creative is a must for any job that concerns mass media. YÐ ¾ur English major wÃ'â€"ll help you acquire a brÐ ¾Ã °d Ð °rrÐ °Ã'Æ' Ð ¾f Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'• that Ð °rÐ µ tÐ °Ã'â€"lÐ ¾rÐ µd tÐ ¾ mÐ µÃ µt thÐ µ nÐ µÃ µdÃ'• of the media Ð °nd Ã' Ã ¾mmunÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÃ'• Ã'â€"nduÃ'•trÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• without having to Ã'•Ã'€Ð µÃ' Ã'â€"Ð °lÃ'â€"Ã'•Ð µ Ã'â€"n a particular mÐ µdÃ'â€"Ð ° area. Theater ArtÃ'• Creative Writing and English Literature degrees help Ð µxÃ'€Ð °nd Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur skills, thÐ µÃ ¾rÐ µtÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °l undÐ µrÃ'•tÐ °ndÃ'â€"ng Ð °nd Ð µxÃ'€Ð µrÃ'â€"Ð µnÃ' Ã µ Ã'â€"n thÐ µÃ °trÐ µ Ð °nd Ã'€Ð µrfÐ ¾rmÐ °nÃ' Ã µ practice. It will help you take on the the skills Ð °nd Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã' Ã µÃ'•Ã'•Ð µÃ'• Ã'â€"n Ð °Ã' tÃ'â€"ng, dÃ'â€"rÐ µÃ' tÃ'â€"ng, dÐ µvÃ'â€"Ã'•Ã'â€"ng, wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng, drama, Ã' rÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °l analysis, stage management Ð °nd theatre production PublÃ'â€"Ã'  RÐ µlÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÃ'• You will be involved in Ã' Ã ¾mmunÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n and theory as well as in carrying out studies thÐ °t Ã'€rÐ ¾mÐ ¾tÐ µ your Ð °nÐ °lÃ'Æ'tÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °l and rÐ µÃ'•Ð µÃ °rÃ' h Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'•. You will be able to use your professional Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'• Ã'â€"n wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng, media and Ã'•tÐ °kÐ µhÐ ¾ldÐ µr relations, Ã'•trÐ °tÐ µgÃ'Æ' Ð °nd research, wÃ'â€"th an emphasis Ð ¾n problem Ã'•Ð ¾lvÃ'â€"ng, creativity, project Ð °nd rÐ µlÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÃ'•hÃ'â€"Ã'€ mÐ °nÐ °gÐ µmÐ µnt. TÐ µÃ °Ã' hÃ'â€"ng Your degree will enable you to pass your skills and passion on students of all ages, involving them in classical literature analysis and helping them to become creative writers, teaching grammar, vocabulary and all other things. WrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng Your exposure to great writers and to the reading that you have done while attending courses will be of great help when you do some writing on your own. RÐ µÃ'•Ð µÃ °rÃ' h-BÐ °Ã'•Ð µd InduÃ'•trÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'• Such aÃ'• Marketing Ð °nd AdvÐ µrtÃ'â€"Ã'•Ã'â€"ng Your ability to spin words and being a wordsmith will help you do your best. English mÐ °jÐ ¾rÃ'• train tÐ ¾ bÐ µ Ã' Ã ¾mmunÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °tÐ ¾rÃ'•, Ã'â€"n bÐ ¾th wrÃ'â€"ttÐ µn Ð °nd Ã'•Ã'€Ð ¾kÐ µn formats, mÐ °kÃ'â€"ng thÐ µm Ã'â€"ndÃ'â€"Ã'•Ã'€Ð µnÃ'•Ð °blÐ µ to Ð °nÃ'Æ' buÃ'•Ã'â€"nÐ µÃ'•Ã'• or Ð ¾rgÐ °nÃ'â€"zÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n. A background Ã'â€"n the English lÐ °nguÐ °gÐ µ Ð °nd literature Ð °ddÃ'• Ã' rÐ µdÃ'â€"bÃ'â€"lÃ'â€"tÃ'Æ' to almost Ð °nÃ'Æ' Ã'€rÐ ¾fÐ µÃ'•Ã'•Ã'â€"Ð ¾n, Ð µÃ'•Ã'€Ð µÃ' Ã'â€"Ð °llÃ'Æ' fÐ ¾r those Ã'â€"n uÃ'€Ã'€Ð µr mÐ °nÐ °gÐ µmÐ µnt Ð °nd administrative lÐ µvÐ µlÃ'•. FrÐ ¾m reading Ã' lÐ °Ã'•Ã'•Ã'â€"Ã'  tÐ ¾ Ã'€Ð ¾Ã'•tmÐ ¾dÐ µrn literary wÐ ¾rkÃ'• thrÐ ¾ughÐ ¾ut English hÃ'â€"Ã'•tÐ ¾rÃ'Æ', studying them Ã' lÐ ¾Ã'•Ð µlÃ'Æ' Ð °nd wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng tÐ µÃ' hnÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °l and Ã' rÐ µÃ °tÃ'â€"vÐ µ Ð °nÐ °lÃ'Æ'Ã'•Ð µÃ'•, EnglÃ'â€"Ã'•h mÐ °jÐ ¾rÃ'• Ã' Ã °n apply for a wide Ð °rrÐ °Ã'Æ' of positions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nokia Finacial problems and its possible solutions Essay

Nokia Finacial problems and its possible solutions - Essay Example In 1994, Nokia Tune was launched, which gave new technology to the cell phone industry. In 1994, the company introduced the world’s first satellite phone technology and made the first call using this technology. In 1997, the game Snake was put onto a cell phone for the first time. This was one of the first phones to feature a video game, which was a significant development at the time. In 1998, Nokia took over as the worldwide leader in cell phone sales. This is a significant feat because it was originally such a small company from such a small country. Furthering the technology that it had produced, Nokia brought out N-Gage, which is a multiplayer mobile gaming unit. In 2005, the billionth Nokia phone was sold, while global mobile phone subscriptions passed the two billion mark. Currently, the President and CEO of the company is Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, while Jorma Ollila remains the Chairman of the Board. Currently, Nokia has taken a bit of a hit on its public relations side. Troubles with the networks equipment division of the company made it necessary for it to streamline that division. This led to layoffs and organizational restructuring, which hurt the company’s image in Finland, leading to a number of court cases against the company and even a documentary television show that portrays the company in a negative manner. Despite this, however, the company has grown a phenomenal amount since its beginning and also since its move into the cell phone business. On June 19, 2006, Nokia announced that it and Siements AG would merge their mobile and LAN line phone networks in order to create one of the world’s largest networks. Under this agreement, each company would have a 50% share of the new company, which would have its head office in Helsinki, Finland and would be called Nokia Siemens Networks. This new company expect annual sales to reach â‚ ¬16 billion and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Business Decision Making - Essay Example The term often is ambiguous in this case and different respondents will interpret it in different manner. For instance, some of the respondents will answer that they use library services 5 times a month while other may respond twice a week. It is difficult to quantify data from such types of response. To make this question more reliable, it should provide multi choices in the form of common time horizon: Once a Week 2-5 times a Week 6-10 times a Week More than 10 times a Week Question 2) How many books or publications have you borrowed from the library? 0 1-5 5-10 10-15 20-50 50-100 This question has three flaws inherent in it. Firstly, the answers are overlapping as we find some of the answers in more than one option. A respondent who has borrowed 5 books is unclear on whether it selects the option 1-5 or 5-10 since both of them contain the same answer. Secondly, this question neglects many of the options in between the answers. It leaves out the category for 16-20 and more than 100 books. Finally, this question requires the respondents to perform mental arithmetic. It’s difficult for the respondents to memorize that how many times they have exactly borrowed books or publications from the library. The answers should be wide in range. For instance, it should start with the option of less than 10 rather than 0. Question 3) The last time you visited the library, what was the purpose of your visit? Search for a book Search for a periodical Get information from a librarian Study peacefully This question also provides limited information regarding the answers. It neglects several other alternative options which are not provided in the list of answers. To make it easier for respondents, there should be an option for â€Å"If Other than Please mention below† Question 4) Were your needs satisfied? Yes/No Now this question forces the respondent to answer either their needs were satisfied or not. There can be a case that few needs were satisfied while other s were not, so how does a respondent answer under such circumstances. This should not have been treated as a dichotomous question but rather it should have answers in the form provided below: Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question 5) How satisfied are you with the quality provided by the library and the attitude of the library staff? 1 2 3 4 5 This question lacks additional details regarding the rating scale. Some individuals might consider 1 to be excellent while other might consider 5 to be excellent. Therefore, a note should elaborate on the details of the rating scale. Secondly, this question asks about two separate elements in a single question which is inappropriate. The quality and attitude of the library staff are two separate things and they should be treated separately. Question 6) What do you dislike about the library? This question assumes that all the respondents dislike something about the libra ry. Hence, it is compelling the respondents to think negatively and find some negative aspect about the library. The question should have first asked whether there are any issues inherent in the operations of the library. If the answer had been yes than it should have asked what you dislike about the library. Question 7) Are there any improvements that could be made to the library to provide a better service? Yes/No This question simply asks whether improvements could be made to the library but it does not discover the improvement initiatives

Sunday, November 17, 2019

I would like to focus on the way behavioral economics effects a Essay

I would like to focus on the way behavioral economics effects a failing market - Essay Example The extent to which different markets are free, as well as the rules defining private property, is a matter of politics and policy (Concised Encycliopedia of Economics, Free Markets). This economic system where government allows a free hand to all the firms and entreprenuers is on the basis of some 'behavioural assumptions'. The two basic assumptions; that all the producers and consumers are rational in their behaviour and that they have complete information, has gone wrong and been violated numerous times! So, one has to be very clear about the reality that when the assumptions or the structure of a building is weak then how can it hold the burden and functioning of the entire economy. Here comes the need for Government Intervention and the system of 'laisaz-faire' is taken over by a 'mixed economy'! Economic role of the Government has four main components: 1. what is to be produced? 2. how is it to be produced? 3. for whom to be produced? 4. how are these decisions made? (Joseph St igletz, 2000). Now, lets see how an incentive structure can influence different markets. Institutional structure shapes the economic framework of a country. They build the basic structure of an economy which influences the level, pattern, and sustainability of growth. As an evidence, same macroeconomic models when applied to different countries produce different outcomes altogether! Institutions are a set of formal rules and informal norms that together with enforcement mechanism structure human interaction. They are to contain both incentives and disincentives which constraint human behaviour. The fundamental determinant of types of organizations emerging in a country is the institutions in place. Organizations are the players of the game and institutional framework are the rules of the game (Douglass. C. North, 1999). Organizations therefore try to play the game within the rules provided by the institutions. Institutions provide incentives for the organizations by reducing uncerta inty and risk .institution help in minimizing the transaction cost and the transformation cost. Countries all over the world are experiencing patterns of growth because of their institutional framework. Inefficient institutions provide high transaction cost and as a result the country struggle to grow. Incentives such as working hard are missing in inefficient institutions. Efficient institutions create an institutional matrix which strives for growth by reducing transaction cost and changing informal constraints through perceptions. Therefore once a country is stuck on a certain path of growth due to its institutions then it is difficult to revert back. The institutions drive organizations into a particular direction depending upon the incentive structure present. Through these incentives and disincentives embodied in rules they induce: efficiency, merit based solutions, hard work, competition and innovation. Hence, productivity increases and so does economic growth. In such an ins titutional framework organizations like 'Microsoft' emerge. Emergence of Microsoft was not a fluke; it was a direct result of institutions shaping the kind of organization. It has the highest sales in the entire World Industry of software. The reason is extensive research and development. It knows that if it's not at the cutting edge then it is going to get driven out of the market and go bankrupt. This will have backward and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Developing Leadership Skills Using The Semco Case Study

Developing Leadership Skills Using The Semco Case Study Purpose of the report: The purpose of this report is to understand the relationship between Strategic Management and Leadership . The different Leadership styles used for identifying organisationss strategic decisions, the impact of the leadership theories on the organisatiton and the methods of developing leadership skills using the SEMCO case study . Introduction: In 1982, Ricardo Semler took control of Semler Company, a business founded and, until then, managed by his father, Antonio Curt Semler. At that time, the companys organizational structure, was as such of treating employees in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities. A pyramidal hierarchy led by an autocratic leader. Then, Ricardo took over the relatively small manufacturing company from his father . And by renaming the company as SEMCO , eliminated all clerical positions,and implemented an insistent product diversification policy. Most observers predicted that these actions would wipe out the company. Leadership Styles: Leadership style is an approach of implementing plans, providing directions, and motivating people working towards the organisation. A leaders must be able to acquire certain strategies and must follow a certain style of leadership which suits the situation of the organisation. The following are the leadership style followed by Ricardo Semler and their evidence : Authoritarian Leadership (Autocratic): Authoritarian leaders, also known as  autocratic leader, provide clear outlook for what needs to be done, how it should be done, and when it should be done. These types of leaders take their decision on their own with little or no help from their subordinates or followers. There is also a clear distribution between the leader and the followers. The analysts found that decision making was less creative under authoritarian leadership. Authoritarian leadership is best applied to situations where there is little time for group decision making for a possible outcome or where the leader is the most knowledgeable member of the group. (Lewin et. al, 1939). While Ricardo Semler was in law school, in 1980s,his father Antonio Curt Semler decided to make Ricardo the president and then shortly left him for a long Europe vacation, saying only, Do what you need to do. When the senior executives of SEMCO insisted on waiting out the declining shipping industry, Ricardo decided to fire 60% of the top managers in a single afternoon. The departing executives wanted to return and while the frightened customers demanded their return, but Ricardo was determined and remained firm. Ricardo could not afford liquidation taking place in the company . Participative Leadership (Democratic): The democratic leadership style or participative leadership is a very open and its characterized style by having power and authority that is given equally among colleague of running a team. Ideas move freely and are discussed openly amongst the group. And discussion is relatively free-flowing. (Lewin et. al, 1939). SEMCO seeks the best by trusting their employees and to motivate them to apply their creativity in service of the whole enterprise. And to make some important decision related to the flow of work, which also includes the selection and election of their bosses. Employees are given a chance to express their feelings regarding the decision making process. Profit sharing also plays an important role in the organisation , which leads to very low employee turnover , and active involvement of all the employees. Employees are given a chance to select their managers which brings into good working condition in the organisation. Delegative Leadership (Laissez-Faire): In this leadership style the leader offers little or no guidance to the member of his team and leaves the decision making process on the team members, but the leader is responsible for the decisions made by his sub-ordinates. The leader allows the employees to take decisions if they can evaluate the condition and relies how the problem could be solved. (Lewin et. al, 1939). SEMCO encourages its employees to choose what, when and where they want to do it complete freedom is given to the employees for the task performance . About 3000 SEMCO employees set their own working hours and their salaries. Their supervisors are hired and reviwed by the subordinates. If the employees had spent Saturday afternoon in the office then they are encouraged to spent their Monday morning at the beach. There is no organisational chart as such in the organisation, no corporate value statement, no 5 year plan is implemented as most of the organisation does. The employees are not required to follow any dress code. There are no written rules or policy statements, as SEMCO is quite flexible. Impact of Leadership Styles: As Ricardo Semler followed the above mentioned leadership styles, the following are the impacts of these style on SEMCOs strategic decisions: The company has become more consistent and responsible. The turnover of the company had gone from $4million to $160million. Which is also considered as a highest growth. The annual sales had increased upto 24%. In 1982, there were just 90 employees working in the company, and by the year 2003 it went upto 3000 employees working for SEMCO. The overall staff strength has increased due to which the companys profit has increased. SEMCO has diversified into different business unit. The company has generated balance between short-term and long-term goals. The products are offered at fair prices. Customers are provided by variety of products and with a differentiated service styles. It had brought innovation and creativity. As it encourages every employees participation and the decisions are imposed from top-down management, good outcomes are brought due to motivated employees. 2. Strategic Management and Leadership Theories: Strategic management  is used to establish a mission, values, vision, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities of any organisation. There are various theories to identify and to formulate the above mentioned points for an organisation: Henry Fayol Taylor Peter Drucker Mintzberg Functions of Management Scienticfic Management Techniques Five forces Roles Planning Establishing Goals Setting Objectives Informarion seeker, maintain inter personel contacts Forward information to others Spokesperson Organising Optimum use of resourses for meeting goals Organising the task Motivates and direct the employees Maintain informational links . Commanding Reward system for meeting goals Motivating employees New projects are initiated, identifying business developing areas Decisions are taken together during crisis Resources allocator who decides who gets the schedule, budget and priorities. Negotiator who represents department during negotiations with unions and suppliers. Co-ordinating Measurement of good oblectives Controlling Developing skills by giving training Trait Theories: In Trait theories people become heir to certain qualities and traits which makes them better suited for leadership. Trait theories often categorize soem behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. Contingency Theories: According to the contingency theory no leadership is best suited for all the situation. It depends on the variables which are related to the environment the determines what particular leadership suits the situation. Situational Theories: In Situational theories the leaders choose the best possible action based upon various situations i.e. depending upon the types of situation. There may be different leadership styles suited for different decision making. Behavioural Theories: In Behavioural leadership theory the actions of the leaders are not Focussed on what they are from their mental qualities or internal states as the leaders are not made but they are born leaders. Participative Theories: In this type of leadership all the employees are encouraged to contribute their input as a part of the decision making team for an organisation. The leader also retains the right to allow inputs of others. Great Man Theories: As great leaders are born and not made, this theory portray thar great leaders are mythic, heroic and who are always designed to bring up leadership when needed. Management theories(Transactional): Transactional theories are based upon the system of rewards or punishments. For instance when the employees of an organisation are successful they are rewarded, and on the other had if the employees of the organisation fail , they are punished at the same time. Relationship Theories(Transformational): Transformational theories focus upon inter personal relationship between the leaders and followers. These types of leaders help the group members to be inspired and get them know the importance. These leaders are focused on group performance , but at the same time these leaders also expect that each employees should fulfil their own potential. 2.1 Link between Leadership Theories: The Strategic Management and Leadership theories can be linked by using Mckinseys 7-s Frame work. The McKinsey 7-s frame work model involves 7 interrelated factors which are further categorized as hard element and soft element. Hard elements are easy to identify or define the managements as it is related to the Managers which includes Strategy, Structure and System. Whereas Soft elements can be identified or defined as these are related to the Leaders which includes Shared values, Skills, Style and Staff. Strategy:  It is a plan of action or a widespread plan to help create a competitive advantage which also involves the way of maintaining this advantage. Structure: It is a basic hierarchy of an organisation which helps to understand who is responsible for what and who is suppose to answer to whom. Systems:It includes the daily activities and procedures of the employees who are assigned for task performance in the organisation. Shared Values:  These values are considered as the core values of the organisational, mostly ethical values. Style:  These are the style adopted by a leader in an organisation. Staff:  These are the members of the organisation who are categorized according to their capabilities.   Skills:  This helps in identifying the basic skills each employees possess in the organisation for performing different tasks. 2.2 Impact of Leadership Theories on Organisational and Leadership Strategy:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alice Walker: Peeling an Essence Essay

As an African-American novelist, short–story writer, essayist, poet, critic, and editor, Alice Walker’s plethora of literary works examines many aspects of African American life as well as historical issues that are further developed by Walker’s unique point of view. Writers like Alice Walker make it possible to bring words and emotions to voices and events that are often silenced. Far from the traditional image of the artist, she has sought what amounts to a personal relationship with her readers. She has also taken positions of passionate advocacy, most notably in her campaign against ritual genital mutilation of young women, a practice still institutionalized in many parts of the world, as well as the fight for equal rights for African Americans. Her writing has been praised around the world, increasing its profound impact on literature, social and political areas of American life. Moreover, Walker’s turbulent childhood in addition to growing up during an era where African-Americans like herself were fighting for freedom, increased her dedication to become both a reflective and revolutionary author. Alice Malsenior Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, to Willie Lee and Minnie Tallulah Grant-Walker. Like many of Walker’s fictional characters, she was the daughter of a sharecropper and the youngest of eight children (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Alice’s father had always taken education very seriously in an era where the schooling of black children, especially black females, was very rare. Nevertheless, Willie enrolled his young daughter in school at the age of four where she was then able to skip two grades up to first grade due to her intellectual potential (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Though it may seem like Alice’s father was unorthodox, Willie was â€Å"blind to his own sexism. † He believed that the traditional role of women was to take care of the house as well as the children. Due to his opinion on the limits of being a women, Alice’s relationship with her father declined over time and was even reflected upon in some of her novels (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Although Walker did indeed challenge the wisdom of her father, she clung tight to her mother for comfort and formed an unbreakable bond. Minnie Walker was Alice’s greatest support system. She approved of Alice’s ebellious ways as a young girl in addition to teaching her life lessons that would be underlying tones in her multiple works (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Walker was a confident young girl until 1952, when an accident involving a BB gun left her blinded her in one eye. Although her older brother offered to pay for an operation to correct the impairment, Walker would never fully recover the sight of her right eye. The young Alice Walker would begin wearing glasses for the remainder of her life. The ridicule and loneliness that was created from her blindness led Walker into writing her first poetry pieces. She found that writing demanded peace and quiet, but these were difficult things to come by when ten people lived in four rooms (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). It was then that Walker became secluded and reserved and dreamed of suicide, but at the same time found solace in writing and became an observer rather than a participator in everyday life. Walker attended segregated schools which would be described as inferior by current standards, yet she recalled that she had terrific teachers who encouraged her to believe the world she was reaching for actually existed (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Although Walker grew up in a poor environment, she was supported by her community and by the knowledge that she could choose her own identity. Moreover, Walker insisted that her mother granted her â€Å"permission† to be a writer and gave her the social, spiritual, and moral substance for her stories. Later before attending college, Alice would ask her mother permission to become a professional writer (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Alice concentrated and studied hard in school. She graduated as valedictorian from her high school and went on to attend the local Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She was greatly influenced by one of her professors there named Howard Zin, who she worked closely with on civil rights rallies. She became a volunteer for registered voters of Georgia and began attending political rallies for civil rights. Zin would eventually become an influence for some of Alice Walker’s later writing. In 1963, Walker left Spelman for Sarah Lawrence College, a place housing only a handful of African American people, most of them men. This was Walker’s predecessor to participating in many civil rights demonstrations and meeting Martin Luther King at his home in recognition of her invitation to the Youth World Peace Festival in Finland (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). 1964 was the turning point for Alice Walker. Realising that she was pregnant she contemplated suicide and slept with her razor under her pillow for three nights (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). During the same week, Walker again turned to writing as a natural outlet for her distress. She stopped writing only to eat and sleep. Thankfully, through the help of a friend, Walker was able to attain a safe abortion. The end product of weeks of anguish was, among other things, a story entitled â€Å"To Hell with Dying† and with the help of teacher Muriel Ruykeyser this was published in 1965 (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). In the same year, she graduated from Lawrence College. After moving to New York City in November of the same year Walker worked for the welfare system. She soon moved back however and in 1966 fell in love with civil rights lawyer Melvyn Laventhal. They met while working at the Head Start Program in Mississippi. The marriage was extremely controversial as Mel Leventhal was Jewish and Caucasian and Walker was African American (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). The union between the couple was the first legal marriage in the state of Mississippi that was inter-racial. In 1968, one year into the marriage, Alice published her poetry collection, â€Å"Once. † This was followed by Mel and Alice’s birth of their first daughter, Rebecca, but the marriage eventually fell apart under the turmoil and strife of the time period (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Alice Walker’s writings continued to create discussions and controversy in both the literary and political arenas. Between 1968 and 1971, Alice would be a teacher in the Black Studies programs at two different colleges. She spent a year at Jackson State College and another year teaching at Tougaloo College. Alice Walker’s writing career would surge in the 1970’s with the publishing of her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland (Smith, Jessie). The predominant issues and themes of her writings were civil rights based. Many of her stories and poems focus on rape, sexism, racism, violence, segregation and relationship problems. It would later be openly announced that Alice Walker had a bi-sexual orientation (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). In 1973, Alice Walker joined Ms. Magazine to publish short stories and poetry. She would also publish many different articles focusing on the theme of civil rights, animal rights and environmental issues. In 1973, Walker would publish the short story collection, â€Å"In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women†, and the poem collection, â€Å"Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems†. Her second novel talked about the life of being an activist in the civil rights and political movements in the South. It is believed that much of Meridian parallels or reflects on Walker’s own life. Meridian was published in 1976 and earned Walker much recognition (Smith, Jessie). The focus of the book was accepting one’s mistakes and taking full responsibility for our actions. There were no excuses made and people greatly admired and respected Walker for this writing piece (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Her political venues later turned from the problems of segregation and racism in the South to issues abroad. During her junior year in college, Alice Walker did her internship in Uganda. Her experiences in Uganda led her to stand against female genital mutilation; however, the process of female genital mutilation is still practiced today. During her college years, Alice Walker also visited Cuba on several occasions and would take an open political stand against the Cuban Embargos. Her political and social concerns were not strictly limited to the plight of black women in America but were on a global social and political scale (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). After the publication of The Color Purple in 1982, Alice Walker would become a huge name virtually everywhere. The Color Purple would be turned into a movie and a Broadway play (Smith, Jessie). There was a great deal of controversy over the book because the black culture was shown as patriarchal and whites were shown as sexist and racist. The Color Purple looks head on at the situations and plights of the black woman without the worries of being politically or socially correct. The Color Purple was so powerful in character development and insights into issues that it won Alice Walker the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1983. It would later also receive the American Book Award (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). In 1992, she would o onto write the novel, Possessing My Secret Joy which would feature the characters that were descendants from The Color Purple. The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was certainly the most distinguished of all her honors and awards but Alice Walker would go on to receive many others. In 1969 she received the Lillian Award from the National Endowment of the Arts for her publication of Third Life of Grange Copeland. In 1974, Walker received the Rosanthal Award from the Institute of Arts and Letters and the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship for the writing and publication of In Love and Trouble (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Even with all of her popularity, Alice Walker went on to write and publish such popular short stories and novels as You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories in 1982, Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self in 1983, To Hell with Dying in 1988, The Temple of My Familiar in 1989, Finding the Green Stone in 1991, and Possessing the Secret of Joy in 1992 (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Walker continues to publish poetry collections as well. During her battle with Lymes Disease, Walker wrote The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult and a collection of political essays named Anything We Love Can Be Saved: a Writer’s Activism. Within three years she has written a further three books, By the Light of My Father’s Smile in 1998, The Way Forward is with a Broken Heart in 2000 and A Long Walk of Freedom in 2001. In light of the tragedy at the World Trade Centre in New York City, she wrote her most recent work: Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit After the Bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (Bates, Alice Walker: A Critical Companion). Being an African American growing up in the United States during the 1950s was far from easy. There was segregation in most cities and whites fought against any chance of black freedom. However, by the 1950s, African Americans began to mobilize in earnest against discrimination. They lived in the same culture as white Americans and they wanted to enjoy equal rights. From the 1950s through the 1970s, movements for civil and social rights, equality, and justice swept the United States. Mainstream beliefs about the freedom of African Americans were challenged and protesters prompted the government to intervene and act on behalf of their equality principles. Activists were prominent in local marches, revolts, and peaceful protests that placed thousands of people on the national stage of a continental confrontation. However, people also witnessed major setbacks and difficulties over winning the white men’s approval of equal rights. Overtime, with the perserverence and determination of many human rights advocates, African Americans gained greater access to education and a much broader set of career oppurtunities. As for the justice system during the Civil Rights era, the landmark case of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas upheld the activists demand to outlaw segregation in public schools (Brennan). Enacted in 1954, this major case symbolized the official start of the Civil Rights movement. A year after this ruling, the Montgomery Bus Boycott hit headlines across the country. Blacks were tired of giving up their seats to white people and being forced to sit in the back of the bus. It was then that Rosa Parks refused to move after the driver ordered her to allow a white man to sit down where she was. This sparked a mode of resistance in which this one-day boycott turned into a year long rebellion. Not one black person rode the Montgomery City Lines for 383 days (Brennan). At first the bus companies did not even press for compromise. Therefore, when they realized that nearly three-fourths of their customers were black, they were already quickly losing money. However, this did not stop organizations like the Montgomery Improvement Association from planning the next steps of boycott. At this point, popular leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. s well as Ralph Abernathy rose to become powerful leaders that would soon dominate the political scene when it came to question over equal rights (Brennan). When it came to peaceful protests, activists like King were arrested for their actions but quickly bailed out by their supporters to allow for the continuation of a steady fight. By 1956, the Montgomery Improvement Association and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) attempted to end segregation of the city bus lines through the justice system. After months of legal dispute, the Montgomery City Lines were forced to end it’s policies on racial segregation on December 20,1956 (Brennan). As a result, the bus boycott ended the following day. Especially in the south, whites believed that any change in the social standings of society would disrupt the power balance between blacks and whites. Ultimately, they believed that if African Americans had any power whatsoever that resembled the whites, they would abuse it and revolt, trying to dominate southern society. Throughout the decade, black fears heightened as a result of brutal attacks from groups like the KKK and other gangs. In this time period, the KKK was experiencing its second resurgence since World War I and the popularity of lynching increased (Brennan). The inhumane morals of whites who lynched blacks was publicized in newspapers by journalists such as Ida B. Wells, who additionally worked for the Anti-Lynching Bureau (Brennan). It was no surprise that African Americans felt the need to be equal especially after they served in World War II. Nearly one million blacks served for their country during the 1940s and they believed that America was just as much of their country as it was the whites (Brennan).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Religion and Filipino Mothers Essay

Rizal’s Reminders on Equality, Self – Respect and True Spirit of Religion 1. The tyranny of some is possible only through cowardice and negligence on the part of others. 2. What makes one contemptible is lack of dignity and abject fear of one who holds one in contempt. 3. Ignorance is servitude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not think for himself and allows himself to be guided by the thought of another is like a beast led by a halter, 4. He who loves his independence must first aid his fellowman, because he who refuses protection to others will find himself without it. 5. If the Filipina will not change her mode of being, let her rear no more children, let her merely give birth to them. She must cease to be the mistress of the home, otherwise she will unconsciously betray husband, child, native, land and all. 6. All men are born equal, naked, without bonds. God did not create man to be a slave; nor did he endow him with intelligence to have him hoodwinked or adorn him with reason to have deceived by others. 7. Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you. See whether it is the will of God or according to the teachings of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated. In summary, Rizal ‘s Letter To the Young Women of Malolos focused on five major points (Zaide & Zaide, 1999) 1. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God, country and fellowman. 2. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like Spartan mothers to offer their sons in defense of their country. 3. Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor. 4. Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining their good radical values. 5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is living the real Christian way with good morals and manners.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Experience Psychology, 3rd edition Essays (720 words) - Psychology

Experience Psychology, 3rd edition Essays (720 words) - Psychology Experience Psychology, 3rd edition Chapter 5, Learning Vocabulary, Key Terms Acquisition: The initial learning of the connection between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired. Applied behavior analysis (or behavior modification): The use of operant conditioning principles to change human behavior. Associative learning: Learning that occurs when an organism makes a connection, or an association between two events. Aversive conditioning: A form of treatment that consists of repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus. Avoidance learning: An organism's learning that it can altogether avoid a negative stimulus by making a particular response. Behaviorism: A theory of learning that focuses solely on observable behaviors, discounting the importance of such mental activity as thinking, wishing, and hoping. Classical conditioning: Learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response. Conditioned response (CR): The learned response to the conditioned stimulus that occurs after a conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus pairing. Conditioned stimulus (CS): A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a conditioned response after being paired with the unconditioned stimulus. Counter-conditioning: A classical conditioning procedure for changing the relationship between a conditioned stimulus and its conditioned response. Discrimination (operant conditioning): Responding appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be reinforced. Extinction (operant conditioning): Decreases in the frequency of a behavior when the behavior is no longer reinforced. Generalization (operant conditioning): Performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation. Habituation: Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations. Insight learning: A form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden insight or understanding of a problem's solution. Instinctive drift: The tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning. Latent learning or implicit learning: Unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior. Law of effect: Thorndike's law stating that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened by positive outcomes and that behaviors followed by negative outcomes are weakened. Learned helplessness: Through experience with unavoidable aversive stimuli, an organism learns that it has no control over negative outcomes. Learning: A systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Negative punishment: The removal of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to decrease the frequency of that behavior. Negative reinforcement: The removal of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that behavior. Observational learning: Learning that occurs through observing and imitating another's behavior. Operant conditioning (instrumental conditioning): A form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change alters the probability of the behavior's occurrence. Positive punishment: The presentation of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to decrease the frequency of that behavior. Positive reinforcement: The presentation of a stimulus following a given behavior in order to increase the frequency of that behavior. Preparedness: The species-specific biological predisposition to learn in certain ways but not others. Primary reinforcer: A reinforcer that is innately satisfying: one that does not take any learning on the organism's part to make it pleasurable. Punishment: A consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur. Reinforcement: The process by which a stimulus or an event (a reinforcer) following a particular behavior increases the probability the behavior will happen again. Schedules of reinforcement: Specific patterns that determine when a behavior will be reinforced. Secondary reinforcer: A reinforcer that acquires its positive value through an organism's experience: a secondary reinforcer is a learned or conditioned reinforcer. Shaping: Rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior. Spontaneous recovery: The process in classical conditioning by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay with further conditioning. Unconditioned response (UR): An unlearned reaction that is automatically elicited by the unconditioned stimulus. Unconditioned stimulus (US): A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Saving Private Ryan1 essays

Saving Private Ryan1 essays Saving Private Ryan is a movie that generates strong responses from most people that see it. While interviewing four individuals and reading three movie reviews, I found that each of my subjects would recommend it, not one of the individuals interviewed felt the violence was senseless, and all of them left the movie with a strong emotional response of some kind. It appears that Saving Private Ryan is the kind of movie to which many can relate. Saving Private Ryan is not a romantic, feel-good movie, but it is probably one of the best movies released this year. It is without a doubt one of the most realistic films produced. Each person that I spoke with, and all three of the internet criticisms that I read voiced positive opinions about this movie. It has different types of entertainment for all kinds of viewers. It has elements of violence, patriotism, sentimentality, and heroism all rolled into one film. All of my subjects, including the internet critics, feel that Saving Private Ryan will receive many awards, and that it is a credit to Steven Spielberg as a director. When asked if they would recommend the film to another each of my interviewees responded positively. One widely talked about part of this film is the huge degree of violence. In this case however, contrary to the usual attitudes, the violence is not described as senseless or excessive by anyone that I spoke with. This movie is obviously set against the backdrop of World War II, beginning with D-Day and the battle of Omaha Beach. The killing appears to be overdone as the young men step off the transport boats only to be killed one after the other, but when consulting the history of this battle, it is almost exactly how this battle took place. The beaches were indeed covered with bodies, and the water was red with the blood of the slaughtered soldiers. The recreation of this battle by Steven Spielberg has succeeded in bringing this war, this battle in parti...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Add to all bullets that is in yellow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Add to all bullets that is in yellow - Essay Example Data used in this qualitative ethnographic study design comprise of structure interviews, peer reviewed journals, and analysis of materials and documents. The study creates an understanding to the barriers older citizens face while adopting new technology. The address importance to policy developers and NGO’s (Non-government Organizations) who are concerned with integrating senior citizens into new technology. Lack of interest in technology will adversely affect senior citizens, as they will miss convenient methods of managing their financial prospects. In-depth understanding of advancements within the technology sector liberates individuals regardless of their age differences from a financial point of view. Financial institutions such as banking institutions grant their customers access to their various accounts in the comfort of their work areas or homes. Internet banking continues to transform the banking sector, as clients are able to customize and manage their bank accounts according to their unique preferences. In addition, senior citizens benefit from access to health-related information. Technological advancements such as the internet and social media platforms create opportunities for senior citizens to access such information. This saves them from accumulating medical expenses incurred during consultation forums. Purpose statement The purpose of this qualitative ethnographic study is to evaluate which senior citizens are positive about the use of technology and observe the technology needs. The Senior Technical Analysis interview designed to interview 30 seniors from various ethnic and economic backgrounds from the Metro Detroit area of Michigan. The study supports knowledge to help government agencies to understand the importance of senior citizens gaining computer skills to enable them to conduct personal business. The study address needs in the community to understand the technology needs

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Public Obligations of Intellectuals Summary Article

The Public Obligations of Intellectuals Summary - Article Example He had to work hard in order to save money for college. Dysons father, hard work and religion inspired him to study in order to help other people and protect them. Intellectuals should never exist separately from their community; they need to serve other people and use their knowledge to â€Å"combat half-truths† which surround people in their daily life. Understanding the complexity of race, intellectuals add clarity to the issue and give people an opportunity to understand each other. Dyson recollect the failure of Malcom X to struggle for racial liberation and suggests that healthy debate can be more effective to cope with this issue. Searching for the truth and arguments, intellectuals should never be â€Å"lazy† because in this way they will be ineffective for their community. In summary, Dyson comes to the conclusion that intellectuals need to use their knowledge to help other people, promote their freedoms and rights and serve their community effectively. Sentenac, Hannah. â€Å"GMO salmon may soon hit food stores, but will anyone buy it?†. Fox News. March 11, 2014. Web. May 26, 2014.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reflective Writing Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reflective Writing Assignments - Essay Example However, there should be a limit to the free will since it can be disastrous at times (Campbell 9). A world without free will but with only good things happening is an incomplete world. This is because free will is an important component of life, and thus without it life can be sometimes unbearable. Conversely, a world where the presence of free will leads to occurrence of bad things is not good either. This is because people misuse the free will accorded to perform evil actions that may sometimes end up being disastrous (Campbell 13). This is because everyone perceives free will as the right to behave or do things that only pleases without considering the impact of such actions to fellow human beings. However, when comparing the two scenarios, it is better for one to live in a world without free will but has good things happening to him rather than live in a world with free will but the freedom makes him do evil things that at times prove disastrous. A world without free will is goo d since even though a person is denied the freedom of choice, he is not exposed to bad things associated with free will. For instance, a person can live without free will but he is properly treated and therefore, exposed to good things. This is because the person is only denied freedom of choice while accorded other good things of life, which might make life more bearable. This is true since at times the presence of free will exposes an individual to bad things; for instance, freedom of choice might lead a person to make wrong decisions with grave consequences (Campbell 18). Consequently, a world with free will is not good and forms a dangerous place since the freedom makes an individual perform evil actions. Thus, the free will leads to the occurrence of bad things with grave consequences. For instance, a world where each person is permitted to kill, maim, or even oppress one another is a bad place to live in since life becomes unbearable. In such world, people become revengeful an d so evil because there is no law or person dictating the free will. Therefore, since no human being prefers facing or experiencing bad things in life, it is better to live in a world with lots of good things but without free will. This is because there is more suffering in a world with free will since every person does what pleases him or her without considering the consequences of such action to other people within the surroundings (Campbell 25). For instance, in a world without freedom, an individual might decide to play booming music late in the night without considering the unnecessary noise and inconveniences caused to the sleepy neighbors. In a retaliatory attack, the neighbors might decide to attack and severely beat him since there is no law restricting them from doing such an action. From the two scenarios, it is clear that although free will is important in the world, too much of it is so dangerous since it can lead to the occurrence of bad things. Due to such scenarios, it is better to live in a world where freedom is restricted to avoid occurrence of bad things attributed to the free will. At least such a world will have minimal records of bad things occurring and this will make life at least bearable and enjoyable. (634 words) Q2. Is it okay to spend one being in order to save one thousand human beings? Is it okay to assassinate one human being in order to save one thousand human beings? Is it okay to draw up a battle plan that deliberately costs the lives of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Article Rebuttal Essay Example for Free

Article Rebuttal Essay Abortion is a disagreement that has been discuss for years. Kenny, Ph. D. and Swope (2013) of American Thinker has share with its’ audience the understanding of the struggle women has in making a decision to continue a pregnancy or to abort an unplanned pregnancy. In analyze the information in the article the reliability, credibility, and validity of the data used by Kenny, Ph. D. and Swope comes from independent psychological analysis of women’s hidden, emotional response to pregnancy, abortion, and motherhood (Kenny, Ph. D. Swope, 2013). The writers of this article indicated that the interviews took from 75 to 110 minutes, which require them to visualize, replicate, and use relaxation techniques in accessing these individual emotional minds, and to uncover deeply seated emotional needs and barriers (Kenny, Ph. D. Swope, 2013). Significantly, some of these problems that relates to abortion are ethical, and religion. However, a woman has right to do whatever she want to her own body and upon her own judgment, whether it is to keep the baby or to have an abortion. In Fact, a woman has the authority to make the decision whether to have an abortion or not based on her personal desire, financial status, or unwanted pregnancy. Kenny, Ph. D. and Swope (2013) have provided information regarding the circumstances and how abortion can affect a woman mental state of mind. Most important is to deny a fetus by terminate the fetus merely does not mean that the person is slaughter a person. It could be that the pregnancy was an unplanned pregnancy from rape, incest, or the feeling of not wanting to bring a child in the world under certain circumstances. An example would be a medical condition that may be a live or dead situation or simply because she not ready for motherhood because of her age. For instant, a teenage girl between the age of 14 and 20 still in high school and going to college and who is struggling with finances are liable to have an abortion. She may become remorseful, but she has to think about how pregnancy can affect her future and life. In conclusion, a woman rights to be pregnant or to abort an unwanted pregnancy should solely be left up to her no matter what her reason may be. Because she is the one that have to deal with the issues of bring a child in the world or removing the fetus to remove the stress not those groups such as the pro-lifer.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Exploring Race and Challenging Privilege Essay -- Personal Narrative R

Exploring Race and Challenging Privilege I thought I understood racism well enough. Since early childhood I’ve learned from parents and teachers that racism is a sense of racial superiority, a way of making judgments about people based on their skin color before you get to know them, and a cause of hate crimes and foul language. I think I’m not racist, and as a white woman I’m not likely to be the victim of racism, so I usually think racism has nothing to do with my life. But I’m uncomfortable with the idea of race because what I’ve learned about race is contradictory. I’m taught that people of different races are equal, but I see that they live separately. I’m told that they should get along, but the past and the present reveal that they don’t. I’m a product of political correctness that at best gives me a list of things not to say, and at worst makes me want to pretend that race doesn’t exist, but that does not give me a thorough understanding of how to think about race or how to see my role in a society in which race matters. Kozol, Tatum, and Delpit made me confront my discomfort and guided me through the thorny terrain of thinking about race. They’ve made me think more about my own identity as part of racial and socio-economic groups. They’ve given me some tools that seem more effective than rhetoric about equality to help me to recognize and overcome prejudices that I’ve always pretended I didn’t have. They’ve taught me that racism and classism are not evident only in isolated discriminatory acts, but that they pervade American institutions, including the one upon which our hopes of creating a truly equal society most firmly rests, public education. They’ve made me aware of the effects of white privilege and e... ...a firm understanding of racial dynamics in my classroom and know what I want to teach my students about race and how to go about that so that I don’t accidentally teach them the wrong things. As an active tax-paying citizen, I want to support tax reform that will equalize the disparities in public education and other public institutions that should serve all Americans. As an individual, I search myself for biases, try to be aware of the way others perceive me, and make it a goal to take risks to breach gaps between racial and class groups. This commitment to open learning should help me through the many processes that remain – as I try to develop my stance on other thorny issues like affirmative action, as I form new relationships with people, and as I acknowledge my starting place as a white woman in racist America when I make choices about how to lead my life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Executive Privilege

Executive Privilege| | | | Virginia Commonwealth University November 14, 2012| | In the past, the power of executive privilege has been used by Presidents to conceal information that has to do with foreign affairs and negotiations, military, national security issues as well as deliberations and policy making that is done between the President and his top aides. This power is only used when Congress asks the President or one of his top aides to produce all of the information pertaining to an event or situation.If the President then feels that parts of this information needs to be kept secret to protect the best interest of the public, or the other issues listed previously, then he will use executive privilege in order to not give that information to Congress. A huge part of executive privilege is to protect the deliberations and advice given by the President’s aides. When the President’s advisors give him advice, they need to be able to give him the best advice possible and if there is a chance that everything they said could be made public.For instance if the President and advisors are discussing what needs to be done in relation to a foreign power and one suggests to nuke them, one suggests a covert attack and one suggests a peaceful resolution. If the final decision is a peaceful resolution, and Congress asks for all of the information on the subject, then the President should use executive privilege to keep those other possible outcomes from going public, both to keep the public from getting out of control or uneasy and to keep the other country from finding out the other options and retaliating.This power ensures that the President’s advisors can be completely honest and say what needs to be said without being worried about their words being taken the wrong way or too harsh or hurt their image. A big argument for those against executive privilege is that there is nothing in the constitution about it even though there is something about Congress keeping secrets.Article I states that â€Å"Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy† (US Constitution, Article 1 Section 5). Their argument is that the Constitution states that each House can withhold information that they think should be kept secret and there is nothing about secrecy when it comes to the President’s powers, however just because the words are not explicitly in the constitution does not mean that this power was not intended for the President.Even our founding fathers appreciated the importance of executive privilege and that is highlighted by this passage taken from The Works of Alexander Hamilton. In 1794, the Senate asked President George Washington, â€Å"‘to lay before the Senate the correspondences which have been had between the Minister of the United States at the Republic of France, and said Republic, and between said Minister and the office of Secretary of State. † Washington consulted his cabinet members, Henry Knox, Alexander Hamilton, and Edmund Randolph.Alexander Hamilton later wrote: General Knox is of the opinion that no part of the correspondences should be sent to the Senate; Colonel Hamilton is of the opinion that the correct mode of proceeding is to do what General Knox advises; but the principle is safe, by excepting such parts as the President may choose to withhold; Mr. Randolph is of the opinion that all correspondence proper, from its nature, to be communicated to the Senate, should be sent; but that what the President thinks is improper, should not be sent.Washington later told the Senate â€Å"After an examination of [the correspondence], I directed copies and translations to be made; except in those particulars, which, in my judgment, for public considerations, ought not to be communicated. † (Hamilton 1851) Three of these men signed the constitution and contribut ed a great deal towards it and they clearly believe that it is the President’s right to withhold information that he deems unfit to be made public. When it comes to foreign affairs it is very important that the President has the ability to use executive privilege.For instance, if the United States was making a treaty with another country, both countries may have to give things up in order to come to an agreement, and everything considered by both sides as well as everything agreed upon should not be made public for everyone, including other countries to see. This is best stated in 1796 by George Washington after the House of Representatives requested that he give them information concerning his instructions to the United States Minister to Britain regarding the treaty negotiations between the United States and Britain.Washington replied by saying: The nature of foreign negotiations requires caution, and their success must often depend on secrecy; and even when brought to a co nclusion a full disclosure of all the measures, demands, or eventual concessions which may have been proposed or contemplated would be extremely impolitic; for this might have a pernicious influence on future negotiations, or produce immediate inconveniences, perhaps danger and mischief, in relation to other powers.The necessity of such caution and secrecy was one cogent reason for vesting the power of making treaties in the President†¦the boundaries fixed by the Constitution between the different departments should be preserved, a just regard to the Constitution and to the duty of my office.. , forbids a compliance with your request. † (Richardson 1897) As Washington states, we cannot simply make every detail public because other countries may retaliate and they will also be less likely to deal with the United States in the future. However, by invoking executive privilege the President can protect that information from causing such havoc.As he stated, it is not only the President’s right to use executive privilege, but it is his duty to use it in situations that require secrecy. Without a doubt executive privilege can have its usefulness, but it should only be invoked in certain, specific situations. In our recent history this has not been the case, some of our Presidents have tried to abuse the power of executive privilege, giving it a bad name and encouraging people to believe it should be done away with. When President Richard Nixon was in office, the Watergate scandal surfaced and Congress asked him to produce all of the information he and his aides had on the case.In an attempt to conceal what had been done as well as to protect everyone from punishment, President Nixon tried to use executive privilege. This case was brought to the United States Supreme Court because the executive privilege was being used to protect one of Nixon’s advisors from criminal prosecution, thus obstructing justice. This was by far an abuse of executive privilege and leads many to want it gotten rid of, however just because a power can be abused does not mean that its use should stop; it just means that restrictions need to be put in to place.This is highlighted by the ruling of the Supreme Court. The Court acknowledged the need for the President to used executive privilege, but determined that in cases of inquiry into possible criminal actions, the Executive has to release relating information. If we want to curb the abuse of executive privilege, we need to put guidelines into place, because without them, the meaning of executive privilege is at the discretion of the President until checked by other branches. President Nixon was neither the first nor last President to abuse this power (United States v Nixon 1974).President Bill Clinton also tried to invoke executive privilege in a very wrong way as well. Clinton tried to use executive privilege to prevent his advisors from testifying on whether he had sexual relations with Monica Lewinski or not. However, this claim of executive privilege was shot down, rightfully so (Baker 2012). These instances of abuse may lead some to think it is just a better option to not have executive privilege, but as long as barriers and restrictions can be put into place on it to prevent this from happening in the future, this power needs to stay around.This comes with some exceptions; this power should only be used when the President truly believes that if this information were to get out it would either be damaging to the public or in the best interest of the public to not find out. This power should also be used in situations where the President needs to protect national security intelligence and other matters as well as being used to protect military secrets, operations and intelligence.Lastly, this power should be used in situations where the United States is dealing with a foreign power, whether it is a treaty, a negotiation, a meeting or anything else containing sensitive m aterial that either the United States or the foreign power needs to be kept secret. This brings up another argument against executive privilege. Some feel that this power should be done away with because Congress does not have the power of checks and balances over executive privilege; however that is not the case.If the President is refusing to give Congress the information that they are asking for, they can decide to stop funding things that the President is trying to do. They can also hold people in contempt of Congress, which was done as recently as this year in the Fast and Furious case where Congress demanded that Attorney General Eric Holder give them all the information on this case. President Obama stepped in and claimed executive privilege, however in a response to this, Congress moved, then voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress unless he hands over the information (Silverleib 2012).Another thing Congress can do if the President continues to refuse to cooperate is to impeach him. This would obviously be only done in serious situations, but would work either to get their message across or to show future Presidents that they cannot just invoke executive privilege without consequence. On top of this, the courts can rule on cases where the President tries to use executive privilege like they did in the case with President Nixon.Articles II of the Constitution states that the President â€Å"shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient† (US Constitution Article II Section 3) As the Constitution says, the President does need to inform Congress on the State of the Union from time to time, however it does not say anywhere that the President is required to divulge all the information having to do with certain incidents.Between Article I and Article II, others take this to mean that Congress has an unlimited power of inquiry, but in reality that is not the case. This fact has been ruled on multiple times by different courts, where usually they determine that either the President does not have to give up the information, or that the President has to give up certain aspects of that information based on other laws. It is also Congress’s right and duty to challenge the President when he uses executive privilege, in order to make sure that the power is not being abused, which is the exact reason for having separate branches and a balance of power.If it wasn’t for executive privilege, other countries might be less inclined to deal with the United States because they fear that every detail could go public. Along the same lines the president’s advisors can’t give their best advice if they have to worry that anything they say could be made public. Military secrets and intelligence also needs to be protected to better ensure our troops safety as well as protect our country and citizens from retaliation after an exposed military operation. There is also information that needs to remain secret because it is in the best interest of the public to not find out.Lastly and most importantly, if it wasn’t for executive privilege, national security and military intelligence matters could be made public, exposing our informants and jeopardizing our national security. In order to keep this power alive and protect sensitive information, the United States needs to add guidelines or an amendment that properly codifies executive privilege to prevent its abuse. Once this is done, in theory, there would not be any more issues of whether power can or cannot be used.Everything would be stated to say that the President can only use executive privilege in the situations previously stated and any other instance where executive privilege is claimed would be thrown out. Executive privilege helps to protect our citizens, our national security and our good standing and abili ty to negotiate with other countries. If we were not able to guarantee that level of secrecy it would be nearly impossible to conduct policy making, decision making, foreign negotiations, treaties, as well as threaten the United States and their citizens’ safety.References Baker, Peter, and Susan Schmidt. â€Å"Washingtonpost. com Special Report: Clinton Accused. † Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis. N. p. , 6 May 1998. Web. 8 Nov. 2012. http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/starr050698. Hamilton, Alexander, and John C. Hamilton. The works of Alexander Hamilton comprising his correspondence, and his political and official writings, exclusive of the Federalist, civil and military. New York: J. F. Trow, 1851.Print. Richardson, James D.. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents. New York: Bureau of national literature, 1897. Print. Silverleib, Alan. â€Å"House holds Holder in contempt  œ CNN. com. † CNN. com – Breaking News, U. S. , World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N. p. , 29 May 2012. Web. 5 Nov. 2012. http://www. cnn. com/2012/06/28/politics/holder-contempt/index. html. United States v. Nixon, 418 U. S. 683 (1974) (Justice Burger Opinion of the Court) United States Constitution, 1789